Pain Relief at Home

Pain Relief at Home

It always helps to be self-sufficient so we can do an infinite number of things without having to rely on somebody all the time. Along the way, we will always figure out new ways and techniques on how to do our daily tasks better and easier. But as we get older, our health and our physical conditions may limit the things that we can do for our daily tasks.

Should pain get in the way of daily life activities, try this pain relief guide at home from our home health services in Burbank CA.

Do The R.I.C.E Method

Resting, Icing, Compression, and Elevation helps prevent the swelling from building up when arthritis, any joint, leg, and foot pain attacks. This is convenient to do at home because a senior who experiences any chronic pain has easy access to an ice pack – the second process in the RICE method. Just make sure to wrap the ice pack in a towel to prevent ice burns and consult with your physician before engaging in prolonged or overnight compression.

Get Enough Sunlight

Getting the most out of soaking up in the sun for vitamin D production in the body makes enjoying the great outdoors more significant. Vitamin D is great for overall health since it makes our bones, muscles, heart, and immune system even stronger. Eating fatty fish, milk, and eggs also adds to the vitamin D supply in the body, but no amount of food or supplement can ever beat staying outside and feeling the sun warm up our bodies.

Drink Lots Of Water

We sometimes forget to pay good attention to our water intake per day, but by developing a healthy water habit, we can help minimize any body pain. Drinking a lot of water helps flush out bad toxins in the body and it also reduces any muscle stiffness that causes the pain or discomfort we feel when we do our activities. Staying hydrated helps distribute the needed nutrients and oxygen our organs need to function well. Not only that, but water also helps in moisturizing our skin and eliminates headaches caused by dehydration.

These simple home remedies can aid in pain relief, but if your senior loved one still experiences chronic pain conditions, our medical home health care in CA can help monitor any distress from them so they can have sound medical treatment.

Bonum Home Health Services offers physical therapy for seniors seeking pain relief and management.

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